Radio And Commercial demo

Profile photo for Jordan Nesmith
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (General) North American (US New England - Boston, Providence)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
My name is Jordan Lee Smith, and this is my radio and commercial demo reel. Contact information will be given at the end. Hey, it's us, the Ben and Jerry's Freeze Affairs. That's what we said. Ben and Jerry's freeze affairs. You know, some people don't believe in freeze of fairies. Doesn't bother us. We know we're here, so listen up. Here's how it works. Do something good out of the world Bank. We stick a pilot to Ben and Jerry's and freezing when no one is looking. Now, do something bad. A boot, no chairs. Plus, we stick something really weird. Your freezer like frozen clams. Hey, we ain't no lightweight fairies. A tap dance on moonbeams and stuff. Yeah, we work for a living. We got bills to pay, just like you guys. Okay, Okay. Settle down, you guys. Us freezer, various could be sensitive to. So where are we? Well, let's review do something good. Which speaks of Ben and Jerry's into your freezer. Maybe some Cherry Garcia or some chunky monkey, But do something bad. And no, Ben and Jerry's for your freezer. Plus, we mess with your head a little bit. Okay? Till next time We wish you a freezer full of love and surprises. Be good out there. Or ehlz introducing a whole new kind of soft drink with real fruit juice. 10% of your daily calcium in only 10 calories in every it out serving. It tastes so good you can feel it in your bones for the delicious taste. With calcium, the only way to go is in order, so it's two o'clock in the morning and you're starving. Nothing in the fridge and nothing in the cupboards. You don't even have a dog biscuit hanging around. You think about cooking. But then you remember the three alarm fire you started last time he tried to use the stove. Well, check out 7 11 It's got to be one area. They have everything from burgers to tacos 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 7 11 Think of it as your own personal walking kitchen. Why stop? I think we all know roses smell like AMP. Energy Drink from Mountain Dew. Thank you for listening again. My name is Jordan E. Smith. My email is Jordan Lee Smith at yahoo dot com. My phone number is 6058911183 and you can access my site at soundcloud dot com slash ni Smith v a That's any S m I t h v a.