Demo reel English

Profile photo for Daniel Dizdar
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


A few of my styles

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Donald is dead. Is he Polish? That reminds me of a Polish joke. Is he Polish? That reminds me of a Polish joke Live from sound, said Studios. This'd tough 40. Let's listen to some of our top musicians. Is it a man? Is it a woman? No, it's Lady Gaga. Somerset Hills. Moving today and stay for a lifetime on. If you need an American English speaker, I might be the right person for you. Of course, if you need me in amore. Ecstatic voice. Just call the number 5533569 No, that's not a real number. Of course, if you're making a movie about British people, just call the number 5533869 Of course, dear guests, make your summer shopping in luminous center in butter Steen and grab hot summer discounts from 20 to 70% kangaroo weight. Your baby just called. May all be day in Egypt. You're ready out fork lift driver Olis says. It's cold outside. Maybe maybe this is the route costed a problem of the broken foil. Everybody stops and looks at Ole, he suggests. Let's try to use the foil. That was stored inside and which was not out in the cold. Find more information on www dot blue meanie dot hr Blue meaning I choose bright moments. Daniel Day is that?