Radio Intro for Sunday Interview Show with Joseph Dzidrums

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I hosted the popular online Sunday Interview Show where I interviewed numerous legendary sports figures, like Brian Boitano, Katarina Witt, Oksana Baiul, Johnny Weir, Tara Lipinski, Michelle Kwan, and Bela Karolyi.

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Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello and welcome to skate radio's Sunday interview show. Tonight, we interview 1988 Olympic gold medalist and two time world champion Brian Boitano, still one of the most popular skaters in the world. Today. Brian is currently enjoying a flourishing professional career which has included numerous world professional titles, several television specials. His own production company, White Canvas Productions, a best selling book entitled Boitano Edge and duties as a television commentator, we called Brian at his home several weeks ago to discuss his skating career over the years, as well as his upcoming hosting duties at the American Open Professional Figure Skating Championship in October. Tonight's interview lasts approximately 50 minutes. Unfortunately, the interview ran over schedule and we were not able to get to any fan questions. However, we have saved all the questions and who knows they may show up again someday. Let's get started. Here is Brian Boitano on scant radio's Sunday interview show.