The MARVELous Stan Lee Audiobook

Profile photo for Joseph Dzidrums
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Non-Fiction Sample from The MARVELous Stan Lee, a children's biography.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
In 1939 Stan's uncle Robbie Solomon helped him land a job at Timely comics, the comic book branch owned by American publisher Martin Goodman. Every weekday, Stan entered the mcgraw Hill building on West 42nd Street to work as an assistant. His responsibilities included filling ink wells, fetching coworkers, lunches and sometimes proofreading books. Timely main competitor at the time DC comics, they publish such famous comic books like Superman, Batman and Green Lantern DC comics didn't impress Stan, one of his biggest issues with their books. He disliked their story's vague settings. I didn't enjoy stories that took place in a Gotham or metropolis. You told the Chicago Tribune. I didn't know where those places were. Why couldn't it be in New York? Chicago, Los Angeles. Meanwhile, timely comics had a well-known fictional character named Captain America, created in 1941 the patriotic hero with superhuman abilities. Thanks to an experimental serum fought the axis powers led by Nazi Germany. During World War Two readers loved the brainy brave superhero and eagerly anticipated his new adventures. My theory about why people like superheroes is that when we were kids, we all loved to read fairytales he later told the Washington Post Fairytales are all about things bigger than life. Giants, witches, trolls, dinosaurs and dragons and all sorts of imaginative things. Then you get a bit older and you stop reading fairy tales but you don't ever outgrow your love for them.