Corporate Narration

Video Narration


Corporate Informative and Professional Narrations

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
3,000,462,000 and 47. That's how many gallons of water is wasted annually by industrial sources. Not every corporation is environmentally conscious. Every corporation is cost conscious. Alicorp has saved thousands of industrial corporations billions of dollars globally through wastewater separation and reclamation since 1970. That's the bottom line in India. 70% of Children believe it's a woman's responsibility to do the laundry. Ah, belief Deeply rooted in their culture. Our leading detergents set out to change that gender bias. Since the beginning of the campaign, the percentage of Indian men who report thinking household chores air a woman's job dropped from 79% to 52%. This is translated to a marked increase in brand consumption and loyalty. Just one PNG initiative benefiting market value by promoting human value. You can't see the house of your nearest neighbor. Your commute includes a tractor. Your heart is in the heart of the land. Life is different out here. Great American insurance knows just how difference coverage for your life, from cars to crops for the last 100 years and the next. More than 70,000 employees in over 140 countries saw nearly $10 billion invested in R and D for a return of over $42 billion in revenue. Those figures pale by comparison to the millions of lives impacted and or saved by those whose passions fuel Merck's innovations.