The World Maritime University

Profile photo for Deborah Wetzel
Not Yet Rated


I landed this gig on UpWork and voiced the entire e-learning program of about 3 hours.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This E learning course is designed for any individuals with an interest in the management of marine biosecurity related to bio fouling. The course aims to provide the learners with comprehensible information on the multiple aspects related to marine bio fouling, its role as a vector for the transfer of invasive aquatic species. How it impacts greenhouse gas emissions from ships and the management solutions and technologies that are available. This objective can be effectively achieved in the E learning format. With the use of short cycle feedback and assessments. The interactivity of the course enhances the learner's ability to focus their attention on basic concepts and central ideas and fully understand the topics. The following a lesson topics are available in this course, one introduction to bio fouling to the biology of bio fouling. Three factors influencing bio fouling, four operational and environmental benefits with reduced bio fouling, five preventive practices six reactive practices seven, the I. M. O. Bio fouling guidelines and eight national legislation and requirements. At the end of the course participants will practice their knowledge through an exercise with animated role play sessions that simulates a real situation of bio fouling management. In an innovative and engaging scenario without time in location constraints, learners can focus on spending as much time needed to acquire all the knowledge required to successfully complete the course. In this short video you will see a diver operated card in action. This is a very common way of doing in water cleaning that can be found around the world in various ports. It is important to notice that in this video the card is not collecting the bio fouling waste. So in reality it could be increasing the release of invasive species or chemical components from the coding the cart covers about an area of a square meter. Companies claim cleaning speeds of up to 2000 square meters per hour, which often cannot be achieved in real life situations. More realistic figures are perhaps 400 square meters per hour, but of course that depends on the level and type of bio fouling cleaning. A layer of slime is much quicker than removing a heavily bio found layer on the whole. These are examples of remotely operated vehicles also called R. O. V, which are typically controlled from the surface, remotely or robotic operated devices are attached to the hull. Either the thrust from propellers by suction created by the flow of water through the cleaning head or by magnets for cleaning purposes. Some technologies use water jetting while others can use different types of brushes. Some units are equipped with a waste collection and filtration system, which is essential to avoid increasing the release of chemicals or potentially invasive species. Other control methods are being explored, but they could cost an estimated $800 per small boat owner