Draker, Diana - Commercial Demo

Video Narration


A demo displaying my talents with advertising scripts. Directed by Mike Kirby, it shows 5 different commercial scripts. This shows my wide voice range, from a young child to a young adult.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
it's back to school. But look on the bright side. Discarded pop bottles now feel like they have a purpose. Even old cardboard boxes. Air trying Something new will make a better you and a better world with everything from eight. Event for back to school From Geller's With **** Cafe, any moment can be a moment of delicious wonder. The new **** Cafe Blueberry Pomegranate smoothie, sweet blueberries and sweet raspberries and a splash of pomegranate juice. I set out to change the world, but the world changed me. We spent school break building a school. We learned how clean water can change the flow of life, fundraise and experience firsthand and how lives were changed. Imagine coming home from the best trip ever way Love care bears. You can love him to their silly bad Robbi Behr happy bear Just like you. It's a care bear thing, girl. It can happen in an instant. The realization you have found exactly what you have been searching for. And in that moment you will know that this is your time. Your place. University of Victoria, join in stand up