Draker, Diana - Narration Demo
Vocal Characteristics
EnglishVoice Age
Young Adult (18-35)Accents
North American (Canadian-General) North American (General)Transcript
Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
lions don't have one. Tigers don't have one. Not even the bald eagle has one. Ground hogs are the only animal to have a holiday named after them. February 2nd is ground hog Day in their hundreds of thousands of people who take that pretty seriously. But does the ground help deserve it? Many say they do. Others are not so sure. The residents of Pox Itani, Pennsylvania, are thrilled with the hordes of tourists who come each year to see their grandma predict the spring weather. On the other hand, the horse breeders of Lexington, Kentucky, are less than thrilled with all the ground hall colds dug in their pastors and the ground hoax themselves. Well, they're not above raking a little havoc when someone treads on their territory. There are rodent with attitude, a subterranean scoundrel missed, if at heart, tales of Buck, the adventure Dog of the North. Husky found old John and his partner, Sam Coyote, on their way to the Silver Mine to help them with their grubstake by pulling their **** leading a team. But just two days into their journey, they were separated by a white out that lasted for hours but could only hear the avalanche coming down on John and Samuel and Soy Wrana's fastest has four legs could carry him. When Buck arrived, Both John and Samuel had been buried by the snow, were very close to death, but but duct amount in a very short time and smothered them both of his body for warm. It wasn't long before the three of them were sitting around the campfire once more during a big hot bucket, a loose and bear meat stew.