Deborah Marlowe - Narration

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English (North American)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Deborah Marlowe. Joshua Tree National Park is immense. Nearly 800,000 acres and infinitely variable. It can seem unwelcoming, even brutal. Turn the heat of summer, when, in fact it is delicate. On extremely fragile cheetahs have disappeared for more than 75% of their historic range. As big cats continue to lose habitat, our investment and scientists and conservationists is more important than ever. Welcome to the Columbia Metropolitan Museum of Art. Thanks for joining us today. This self guided audio tour has been created to help you learn more about specific pieces of our debt interest you. It was September 1939 and the Warsaw Zoo for the full force of Nazi bombardment as Poland was invaded. But in its ruins, the couple who ran the city's attraction saw a chance to turn its 75 acres of cages and pens into a sanctuary of a different kind. For a concept to receive final approval and funding, it has to go through two phases of selection teams. Granted phase one status received $125,000 to embark upon two year projects, allowing them to further develop their plans. My name is Donna and I'm a breast cancer survivor. This video will help with all the options and services that cancer care can provide both you and your loved ones during these hard times.