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Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
make this your best year ever. Consider attending the new school in Greenwich Village and learn new skills or prepare for a new career. Think of the colder body spa as an oasis no matter where you find yourself. Ah, place. You could go and leave it all behind. Ballot question A is about money. Your money. Do we need another bureaucracy to do what private enterprise could do better? Vote No on ballot. A shop smart at Sears. You won't pay a finance charge for six months on any home appliance you buy down in the Caribbean. All islands are not the same to get the island vacation you've always dreamed about. Choose the United States. Virgin Islands. Tired of your old spread? Try Brummel and brown. It's got 50% less fat than butter and no cholesterol or transfats, whatever they are.