Video Narration


This demo contains various reads from internet, narration, and business projects covering the medical field.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
FINA Tipp Ex screening can help researchers unlock biology's deepest secrets, giving them insights into a compounds potential for safety and efficacy in ways that large based screening simply can't. High content analysis produces intricate screens that demand more technical resource is than ever introducing a century Diabetes Care AH, leading global diabetes care company dedicated to helping people living with diabetes. Essentially, our mission is to empower people living with diabetes through innovative solutions that simplify and improve their lives. For millions of baby boomers, there's a virus out there. Ah, virus that's serious, like HIV. But it hasn't been talked about much. Ah, virus that's been almost for gotten. It's hepatitis C. When you're diagnosed with diabetes, it can be overwhelming to keep track of all of the factors that affect your immediate health. Insulin doses the timing of your meals, your activity levels stress. How fast would you like a drug to work for your patients with migraines? 30 minutes, one hour, two hours. If you think the faster the better, you should consider well packs for rapid migraine relief. Looking at headache response. Significantly more patients taking roll packs had improvement with headache, severity and 30 minutes compared to the placebo