Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Dr. Brian Strand
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


Recorded at SOUND 80 Recording Studio, Minneapolis, MN

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you know you're gonna love it. You're gonna love it even more because you did it yourself, do it yourself for yourself. Lows at maker's mark. We pick our ingredients by hand, we make our barrels by hand. We even make our bottles by hand. Because for us, passion is everything what to trade and when to trade are part of it. But how much you pay is big too. With Schwab order execution advantage, you get price improvement on 92% of orders. We are a collection of the choices we make. So choose wisely. The style, Grace and power of the new cadillac escalade. I found myself having to reapply my deodorant during the afternoon which when you're at work is not exactly ideal. But with Dove, I get all day protection. No matter how hard I push myself. I think the most frustrating part about hunger in America is that we have enough food is just not going to the right places. Second harvest food banks are solving that very problem.