
Profile photo for Dr. Brian Strand
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Recorded and edited in my studio

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
question, what can one glass of milk really do? The usual, Right? What if that one glass of milk can show us how to give back to nature more than we take from it, How our farms can inspire every american farm to follow along the diet of one of our cows change the diet of every cow and one acre of carbon trapping soil turns into a million more acres, sending our future into a carbon positive one. Then you'd say that one glass of milk is a good for you, good for everyone. Make a difference, pioneering. Give back to nature, sustainably powered, inspiring every farm to follow along cows, eating grass grown in better soil. All on one horizon, showing the industry and everyone a new way to be completely carbon positive by 2025 glass of milk. So what can one glass of milk really do a whole lot when it's one glass of flex it friday milk?