A brief reading from Carl Hiaasen's Swarm

Profile photo for Dr. Bob Angell
Not Yet Rated


Showcases the ability to read younger literature and my ability to read for audiobook content.

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Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello, This is Dr Bob Angel. My contact information is 801 706 25 to 0. My email address is a n g E L L r. At Mac M a c dot com. I'll be reading today from Carl Hiaasen's Squirm Chapter one. This one kid, he got kicked out of school. That's not easy to do. You need to break some actual laws. We heard lots of rumors, but nobody gave us the straight story. The kid's name was Jammer, and I got his locker. Who knows what he kept in there, but he must have given out the combination toe. Half the school kids were always messing with my stuff when I wasn't around, so you put a snake inside the locker. Problem solved. It was an Eastern diamondback, a serious reptile, eight buttons on the rattle, so it made some big noise. When people opened the locker door, the freak out factor was high. Don't worry, the rattlesnake couldn't bite. I taped its mouth shut. That's a tricky move, not for rookies. He needs steady hands and zero common sense. I wouldn't try it again. The point is, I didn't want that rattler to hurt anyone. I just wanted kids to stay out of my locker, which they now dio, I said. The diamondback free, a mile down grapefruit rode on the same log where I found him. It's important to exit the scene fast because an adult rattlesnake can strike upto one half of its body length. Most people don't know that. And why would they? It's not a necessary piece of information if you left a halfway normal life, which I don't.