Audiobook narrator, English, female, with character voices

Profile photo for Dawn Graham
Not Yet Rated


Created by Dawn Graham, this demo was recorded using Audacity software, with Tascam Audio Interface and Audio Technica Condenser mic. This reading is from Little Women by Louisa May Alcott.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian - West) North American (Canadian-General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Meg was the first to wake in the gray dawn of Christmas morning. No stockings hung at the fireplace. And for a moment, she felt as much disappointment as she did long ago when her little sock fell down because it was so crammed full of goodies. Then she remembered her mother's promise and slipping her hand under her pillow. Drew out a little crimson colored book where is mother asked Meg as she ran down to thank her for the gift. Goodness only knows some poor creetur came a beggin and your ma went straight off to see what was needed. There never was such a woman for giving away vs and drink replied, Hannah, who had lived with the family since Meg was born and was considered by them all more as a friend than a servant.