Commercial Demo

Radio Ad


A showcase of (some of) the radio & television ads I've done this year.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Yeah, we recently went to store MD just on the West Side, and they hooked me up with one of those CPAP machines for my apnea. And I love it. Like I wake up in the morning so much more well rested that I used to. With 13 locations across Canada, we give you the cheapest prices in town. It's the cleanest, freshest, newest Vape shop in the Okanagan pen. It smells great to my interior shampooed and an ozone treatment. You gotta treat yourself sometime. Boat. You should head down there. 00 sorry. You can't head anywhere. Can you vote the train station pub downtown and at the train station? Pub dot com. Connecting people since 1926 at Hampton Wellness. We're going to beat around the bush for the next 20 seconds, but I will say you're gonna love the stuff we knock off this Bush's are the spills of our lives, sir. We had a few thrills and spills of the office party last night. The most dangerous eight seconds in sports. It's Bull a Rama at Louis Estates Arena April 15 to its own leisure pool and spa journey to Escalona. Because it's true. Man does what he will not what must