Radio • Nasacort Commercial - Informative, Helpful, Genuine, Trustworthy

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Nasacort National Radio Commercial

Helpful, Authentic, Trustworthy,

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you know, as an allergy suffer, you're wired differently. I sure feel that way. That's why there's neighs accord. It's different, too. You see, unlike anti histamines, amazing court targets in an emits more the allergic inflammation that causes your congestion and other nasal allergy symptoms. My anti histamine doesn't do that. None of them dio Oh, that is different. And it's why Naser courts more effective at giving you 24 hour relief. So even if I'm, why're differently. Neza Court stops more of What Makes you miserable Uses directed. A gas free commute is great, but sometimes you want to get out of the city and actually see some of that environment. With the Chevy Volt, you can drive 35 miles gas free and a mission. Three. Go to a theme park. We'll give you 5% back, even if you scream like a little girl on the rise. Don't worry, we won't tell The Discover card it pays to discover blistering total care works in five different ways. Fighting unsightly flash, restoring enamel, strengthening teeth, helping prevent cavities and killing germs to freshen your breath. New list. Serene total care when it comes to really great beer. Fresh rules. Clean, crisp taste of brewery. Fresh Budweiser