Attention Craving Hillbilly



I created the character Jerard. Jerard is a simple hillbilly looking to making something big of himself so that he can get from the world what his parents never gave him. Love and attention. He is currently going door to door essentially trading whatever he has for some form of love.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) Spanish (South American - General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
howdy ma'am. Y'all need something? I got a chisel, a picture of a goat, a chimp that can box whatever you need in this hair briefcase. All I ask for is your undivided attention. I was pretty lonely growing up. You see mom and dad too busy wrestling alligators in the swamp and I ain't no alligator. I'm a boy turned into a man and as a man, I decided I'd rather be a city boy man taking on the world, Getting all the attention I can Muster. If I get big enough, I'll get all the attention I've ever craved. So for now I'll give you what you want and you just give me those eyeballs for 10 minutes. Keep them on me. Yeah, that's the love I'm looking for.