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Dr Olsen offers Newcomb free of charge during any dental procedure, permanently curing your fear of the dentist Instead of lying awake the night before your dental appointment with an elevated heart rate, tense muscles reliving past experiences with dread, you could anticipate a relaxed a visit to Colorado. Illness, dentistry While Dr Olsen and his team worked to redeem your opinion of the dentist with Newcombe, you associate dental work with pointy instruments, loud noises and physical pain so your body enters fight or flight mode any time you even think about the dentist. As an all natural, non drug based relax ation method, Newcomb gently coaxes your brain into a peaceful state, allowing your body to unlearn the habit of anxiety. Change your view of the dentist forever by requesting EUCOM free of charge with your next dental procedure, Call Colorado Wellness Dentistry today at 303953 48 12 303953 48 12