

This demo reflects work that I have done at home and sent to various studios via the internet to have a finished product. The demo starts off with Sharky's Cantina and then goes into a Conversational mode with another VO artist for a political commercial and then ends with an annoucer type Narration for a Real Estate Video. All voice work is done at my home without any alterations except for the Sharky's in which the studio slowed down my voice.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Oh, yeah, Fiesta. Coming on So fresh and so good. Not show average notches. Did you hear about Governor Bob MacDonald? No. He named April Confederate History Month. Confederate history. You mean like the Old South and slave ships? That's right. Except he didn't mention slavery. I guess he didn't think that was important. Wasn't he supposed to be a new kind of Republican? He fooled me for I didn't even vote in 2009 but I would definitely vote this fall. Mission boasts culinary delights from around the world taking a show at one of the independent theaters, see a movie or live band, socialize over high end cocktails or grab a beer at one of the local dive. A night out could find you dining at one of several trendy restaurants. When it comes time to eat, the possibilities are endless.