
Video Narration


This demo is the voiceover of one videocase for Hellmanns brand in Argentina.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
to generate awareness and inspire people to drastically waste less food. We went to where many meals start cooking shows. Hellman's in association with F. I O. Presents the endless recipe on the World Food Day. We connected the most famous cooking shows, turning the leftovers from one show into the ingredients for the next one, not wasting anything. Our waste Less journey was alive for eight hours in a row, participating of the most popular TV channels and radio shows, creating bus and a massive impact on the media. In one single day, we achieve 0 kg of food wasted in the shows. 11 million PR value more than 1.2 million viewers. But that was in the end of the endless recipe. Many famous chef joined the cars, creating their own endless recipes. And so the test made 50 top restaurants reinvented the daily menu to ensure the new one was 100% waste free. And the best part. Hellmann's became an inspiration to many people by creating recipes that avoid waste transforming everyday leftovers into a new, delicious dishes. There are thousands of recipes, but to avoid waste, you only need to remember one. The endless recipe