General Demo.

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This General Dem

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British (General)


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the sentence of the court upon you is that will be taken from this place to a lawful prison and then is to place their execution and that you'll be there, hanged by the neck until you be dead. I was sick, sick unto death with that long irony, and when they at length unbound me and I was permitted to sit, I felt that my senses were leaving me the sentence. The dread sentence of death was the last of distinct accentuation, which reached me. Here you have an appointment with the worst horror of your life. You will consciously feel every possible physical pain, and every possible mental languish until you cease to exist. Tonight on the pet channel, a dog gets a new hip, a turtle gets a physical examination, and a guinea pig gets a second chance beyond the front lines of veterinary car with the students and doctors of the animal hospital. But in 1998 at washes auction rooms in Dublin, a large collection of documents and diaries were sold. Historians sifting through these papers were astounded to find that since 18 63 2 whole years before the end of the war the British Army General Staff and the Admiralty had been directly aiding and working with President Lincoln, urging that command be granted to General Grant, with whom the unions victorious strategy was divide. And God spake all these words saying I am the Lord thy God, Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth, this curricular warbler builds its nest within the carcass of its prey. Here the prey is a hippopotamus hunting strategy of the auricular warbler is unique. It lured the hippopotamus out of the water by it's mesmerising song and then gently alighted so as to place its peak within the victims. Here, the musical auricular finds the unique kill note for the hippopotamus which it blasts really causing the hippopotamus to collapse immediately in death for it cannot be. But I am pigeon livered and lack gall to make oppression bitter or ere this, I should have fatted all the region kites with this slave's offal Blurry border remorseless sls struck by enemy torpedo matter. Hmm. Close. You are 21 years of age by the exercise of brilliant sagacity and untiring diligence, you have made your $100 million. You are free to do what you want when you want to be James Bond without the responsibilities. So you will, like James Bond, choose to drive an Aston Martin in this town. All the people in the know by there's at Merlin's. Merlin's, the only purveyor of motor cars worth knowing. Your seat belt is not fastened. Your seat belt is not fastened. And now the news. The government were ever thrown this morning by an uneasy alliance of disaffected parties, including all three leaders of the opposition, the supreme commander of the armed forces and the minister of finance opposing them where the prime minister, half of the Cabinet and the minister of tourism, a shipshape ship is a happy ship. Ref use message disorder and general untidiness all increase the work of the officers and crew and make passengers miserable. Disorder leads to accidents and accidentally, two shipwrecks. Keep your ship shipshape. A public service announcement from the Coast Guard Reserve. Good evening. Welcome. Do not fear the creatures of the night. They will not harm you