Customer Centered Book Fair Webinar

Profile photo for Erin Sloan
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Video Narration


This webinar was recorded to assist our customers reach their revenue goals for their book fair events. Customers who attended our webinars, saw an increase in sales.

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Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
welcome to the followed book fairs Spring 2020. Webinar were so excited to have you join us. We can't wait to share all the fun, best practices and various ways you can promote and run your followed book fair. Did you know schools that attend a webinar have seen an increase in sales? Those who have attended see an average increase of $462 in sales over those that do not attend. Let's hear from what other event coordinators, just like you are saying about followed book fairs. Webinars. This is from an event coordinator in North Adams, Michigan. I learned strategies such as how to maximize social media promotion and how using contests before and during the fair. I also learned how to gift books to the unfunded students. Brilliant. And here's another event coordinator in Auburn, Indiana. I love all of the ideas. It is such a help, and knowing that there is such great support from our reps is huge. Mary Katherine has been amazing. An event coordinator from Georgia says it was very informative and gave lots of ideas and suggestions. I like hearing what other media specialists have tried an event coordinator from Brooklyn, New York Let us know that the workshop gave me great ideas about how to promote an increase the amount of students reached by the fair. And finally, a middle school coordinator from Georgia found the ideas for the contests, giveaways and special events. Helpful as you can see, event coordinators all over the country are finding success with the ideas we've shared. These were just a few of the customers who completed the workshop, learned a new idea and gave that new idea a try and had success. All right, we have a lot to cover, but don't feel like you have to watch the whole webinar in one go. We purposely divided it up into the following chapters. What's important to you? Tools and resource is planning your fare book, Fair Week and profits and rewards. But what I think you will really enjoy is all of the good stuff in between. First, we have hosted a couple of 1000 fares this past year, and we can't wait to share all of the fun ideas and comments from followed book their customers. Second, we have some great ideas to inspire you. The spring surrounding our new robot design. Then third, you will hear the basic components of running affair from Tammy, which is good for newbies or if this is your first followed fair. But you're a veteran. Candy talks about all of those riel life experiences, and we'll share some golden nuggets with you. Now, throughout the chapters, we will be asking some poll questions and we would love your participation. There really is a rhyme and reason to them. We look at your reply and see how we can improve the workshop and your book fair experience. Before we get started, we would like to share some easy navigation tools. In case this is your first workshop in the top left hand corner, you will see a media player here. You can start stop pause, fast forward and rewind this session at your convenience. Below that, you will see a box that lists all of the chapters available. If you only have time for one chapter a day, this is a great way to keep you on track. We understand this could be a long session. If you watch it straight through on the far right, we have a resource list here we provide you with downloadable resource is and useful websites to access quickly. We recommend printing the workshop notes document. If you like to jot down ideas along the way at the very bottom, you will see a toolbar. I'll highlight the active icons for this workshop with you. The Q and A box gives you an opportunity to ask questions. We check thes daily and will reply directly to you. The teal box represents a customer survey. We always like to hear how we're doing so we could make improvements and keep you coming back. Season over season. The slides, Media Player, chapter and resource is boxes will simply populate or disappear by clicking on those icons. Okay, hopefully you feel comfortable navigating the workshop. Now let's meet your hosts. Tammy Bean has over 20 years of book fair experience. Her focus is all about you, the customer. She ensures that your book fair process is a smooth one. From the very beginning to the end, you might even find her out visiting schools or at conferences. She loves staying in touch with our librarians, media specialists and parent volunteers. Most importantly, she loves listeningto all of your book fair stories. Candy Varner is a book fair coordinator at Patterson Elementary and Milford, Ohio. They were one of the first schools to be part of fall, its launch and fall of 2017. She is a stay at home mom for the last 15 years and has devoted a lot of time and energy to volunteering at their elementary school. While she took on a number of roles, her passion quickly led her to coordinating the book fair. She has now been involved in coordinating 15 fares and has Mawr excitement now than ever. Now that they have chosen followed book fairs. We are so glad you're here. Sit back, relax and enjoy the Follett book Fair Spring 2020 Webinar.