Not afraid of Virginia Woolf - To the Lighthouse Excerpt - Reflective

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This section of Woolf's classic will make you not afraid of Virginia Woolf. It's warm and beautiful, kind and loving.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Getting up, she stood at the window with the reddish brown stocking in her hands partly to turn away from him, partly because she remembered how beautiful it often is the sea at night. But she knew that he had turned his head as she turned, he was watching her, she knew what he was thinking. You are more beautiful than ever. And she felt herself very beautiful. Will you not tell me just for once that you love me? He was thinking that for he was roused what with Minta in his book? And it being the end of the day and there having quarreled about going to the lighthouse, but she could not do it. She could not say it then knowing that he was watching her instead of saying anything, she turned holding her stocking and looked at him. And as she looked at him, she began to smile for though she had not said a word. He knew, of course, he knew that she loved him. He could not deny it and smiling, she looked out of the window and said, thinking to herself, nothing on earth can quite equal this happiness. Yes, you are right. It's going to be wet tomorrow. You won't be able to go. And she looked at him smiling for, she had triumphed again. She had not said it yet. He knew.