Smooth and slick Dr. Seuss's Fox and Socks

Profile photo for Elissa Mallis
Not Yet Rated


I narrated this book on my podcast!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Good evening boys and girls and welcome to kitten Story time. Tonight we are reading one of my favorite stories. It's called fox in socks. In fact, my family had a fox and socks book and all of a sudden it went missing. We have no idea where it went. We really don't. We found this at the library so get ready. Box socks. Box knocks, knocks and box box and sox nox on fox and socks and box socks on knocks and knocks. And box box and socks on box on Knox chicks with bricks. Come chicks with blocks. Come chicks with bricks and blocks and clocks. Come look sir. Look sir. Mr Knox sir. Let's do tricks with bricks and blocks sir. Let's do tricks with chicks and clocks sir. First I'll make a quick trip. Brick stack. Then I'll make a quick trick block stack. You can make a quick trick chick stack. You can make a quick trick clock stack. And here's a new trick Mr Knox socks on chicks and chicks on box. Box on clocks on bricks and blocks, bricks and blocks on knocks on box. Now we come to ticks and talk sir. Try to say this. Mr Knox sir, clocks on fox tick, clocks on Knox talk. Six sick bricks. Tick 66 chicks. Talk please sir please sir. I don't like this chick sir. My tongue isn't quicker slick sir. I get all those ticks and clock sir mixed up with the chicks and talk sir. I can't do it. Mr Fox sir. I'm so sorry. Mr Knox sir. Here's an easy game to play. Here's an easy thing to say. New sox. Two sox. Who socks? Shoes, socks. Who says who socks? Suso su socks. Who sees who? So whose new socks, sir? You see. Suse suse Suse new socks, sir. That's not easy. Mr Fox, sir. Who comes? Crow comes slow, joe Crow comes who says Crow's clothes, Souza's Crow's clothes slow joe crow sos whose clothes sews clothes? Suso socks of fox and socks. Now slow joe crow sews Knox and box. Now. Susan Rose rose and slow joe Crow's clothes. Box those host and slow joe Crowe's nose hose goes, Rose grows knows host goes. Um Crows. Rose gross. Um Mr Fox. I hate this game, sir. This game makes my tongue quite lame sir. Mr Knox sir. What a shame sir. We'll find something new to do. Now here is lots of new blue goo now. New goo. Blue goo gooey gooey blue goo. New google ooey gluey gooey goo for chewy chewing. That's what that goo goose is doing. Do you choose to choo choo sir. If sir you sir choose to choose her with the goose chooser. Do sir. Mr Fox sir. I won't do it. I can't say it. I won't chew it very well sir. Step this way we'll find another game to play bim comes Ben comes in, brings Ben's broom. Ben brings bim broom. Ben. Ben's bins broom bim bends bends broom bim spends. Ben's Ben's Ben's Ben's broom breaks been spent broom breaks. Ben's band bins, band big pans, bands, big bands, bim and bo and the band's brooms, bends, band bags and bins. Band booms, pig band boom band, big band broom banned. My poor mouth. Can't say that. No sir. My poor mouth is much too slow sir. Well then bring your mouth this way I'll find it something it can say luke look likes lakes, luke stuck likes lakes, luke locked lakes, lakes, luke stocks, lakes, lakes, Duck takes licks and legs. Look look likes luke, luck takes licks and licks. Duck likes. I can't blab such blubber blubber, my tongue isn't made of rubber. Mr Knox. Now come now come now, you don't have to be so dumb. Now try to see this Mr Knox please through three cheese trees. Three free fleas blue while these fleas flew, freezing breeze blew freezing breeze made these three trees freeze freeze. The trees made these trees cheese freeze. That's what made these three briefly sneeze, stop it, stop it, That's enough sir, I can't say such silly stuff sir. Very well then. Mr Knox, sir. Let's have a little talk about tweedle beetles, What do you know about tweedle Beatles? Well when tweedle beetles fight, it's called a tweedle beetle. Battle and when they battle in a puddle it's a tweedle beetle puddle battle and when tweedle beetles battle with paddles in a puddle, they called it a tweedle beetle puddle paddle battle and when beetles, battle beetles in a puddle battle battle and the beetle battle puddle is a puddle in a bottle. They call this a tweedle beetle bottle puddle paddle battle muddle. When beetles fight these battles in a bottle with their paddles and the bottle's on a poodle and the poodle is eating noodles. They call this a muddle puddle, tweedle poodle beetle noodle bottle paddle battle and now wait a minute. Mr socks. Fox. When a box is in the bottle where the Tweedle Beatles battle with their paddles in a puddle on the noodle eating poodle. This is what they call a tweedle beetle noodle poodle bottled paddled, muddled, muddled, muddled muddled fox and socks. Er Box and socks. Our game is done, sir. Thank you for a lot of fun sir. Bye bye.