TV, Documentary, Narration

Profile photo for Ellen Press
Not Yet Rated


TV, Documentary, Narration Demo which includes the murder of Gucci, a humorous homemaker, a woman's historical contribution to society and President Jefferson.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
On the morning of March 27 1995 4, quick shots echoed through Milan's elegant streets. Mauricio Gucci had been ambushed. Two years later, Milan's chief of police entered the sumptuous Palazzo Mauricio's ex wife and arrested her for the murder. She wanted her husband and she spoke about it to everyone. Did she do it because he was preparing to marry his mistress or is it possible? Patricia didn't do it at all? Laurie is making real headway with the demolition. But after removing the toilet and sledge hammering the tiles off the shower, Marcy has come home early and both are in for a big surprise when they realize she's demolished the wrong bathroom. Will they be able to renovate two bathrooms with the time and materials they have left? That's coming up next on demolition disasters in the annals of history. There are those whose brilliance illuminates the path forward. Born in the turbulent era of the 19th century, Ada Lovelace emerged from the shadows of societal expectations, defying conventions and challenging the status quo. She made mathematical proofs that can be characterized as the earliest computer programs. Ada's genius surpassed the boundaries of her time confederate President Jefferson Davis's home in Richmond, Virginia. A hotbed of intrigue and suspicion. A steady leak of information dripped from the highest ranks of the confederacy to the *****. Little. Did he know that two ***** spies had found their way into the Confederate White House. He never suspected that an enslaved black woman could outsmart him and his top men. Elizabeth. Crazy bet Van Lou and Mary Bowser worked together to bring down the political fixtures of the South from the inside out.