Commercial Demo Reel

Television Ad


Commercial Demo reel produced by Ear Blowing Audio Productions!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
clearer, healthier looking skin as possible with Neutrogena oil free acne wash because, let's be honest, who has time for breakouts? The future has a new attitude. Experience the all electric evolution in the all new genesis. G 80 electric luxury starts now picking which del Taco crispy chicken Taco to choose is like picking your favorite parent. Although dad's been dope af lately. **** yeah. Without Robin Hood, I probably wouldn't have even started investing. It's kind of nice to just invest a dollar and see where it goes. A baby's firsts are precious and so is their skin. That's why every Huggies diaper we make is meant to keep your little one's skin clean and healthy one step and your taste buds will experience the festival of flavors. They've been craving all summer long, busy heart seltzer. When your kitty goes poopy, you don't have to scoop e. This isn't 1999 you know, get a little robot instead. You and Fifi can thank us later.