Intandem commercial

Profile photo for Emma Elliott
Not Yet Rated
Online Ad


I provided my vocal abilities for this voiceover. It is for an advertising video for a company that provides services to people with disabilities. The company is based out of Olean, NY and Niagara Falls, NY.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
in tandem has set a new standard for collaboration among agencies serving individuals with developmental disabilities and behavioral health concerns. In 2017, the rehabilitation center, based in only in new york and opportunities unlimited. Based in Niagara Falls, new york began the process of building in tandem in new unified brand identity that honored their unique six decade histories while establishing a strong and vibrant organization. Both agencies work together to create a supportive and caring culture that is mission driven to enhance the lives of people with disabilities through supports and services. Today, in Tandem provides services to over 2000 people and has 1000 employees in 48 different locations. When you visit in Tandem, you will notice right away the commitment teamwork and passion from our staff. Our rich history echoes through the action and voices of today's workforce as they build the framework of an even brighter future. The 90 miles that separate Olean and Niagara Falls have become a path of convergence as in tandem strives to become the provider of choice for people with disabilities in Western new york