Citizen Science • Explainer Video

Profile photo for Emma Grant Williams
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Video Narration


The Prevention Centre is harnessing the power of citizen science to help their research in the community. Their animated video required a warm and approachable voice to explain the concept of citizen science in a friendly, accessible and down to earth way.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)




Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
citizen science approaches. Engage the public in research to address real world problems, for example, getting involved in collecting and making sense of data in prevention. Citizen science can bring together community members, academic researchers, policy makers and practitioners to work together to address complex health problems such as obesity, health, inequity and food security. Citizen scientists can be involved in some or all aspects of the research process, including co designing research projects where citizen scientists are involved in identifying research priorities, formulating research questions or contributing to research design, documenting and making sense of the world around them. For example, using photos or surveys to capture data on local environments. Analysing and interpreting data including reviewing and coding data, interpreting findings and generating solutions or recommendations for action and disseminating findings and advocating for change. For example, presenting findings to stakeholders, contributing to reports and publications and using findings to advocate for change. Citizen science approaches can bring a number of benefits for stakeholders and community members in prevention. In particular, citizen science has the potential to provide access to new data and insights that would otherwise be difficult to obtain draw upon the knowledge, skills and passion of diverse communities increase public understanding of and support for actions to prevent chronic disease and equip community members with the skills to contribute to change. Examples of citizen science in prevention are emerging around the world across a variety of areas such as walk ability, green space and food environments. Citizen science approaches have been used to identify problems from the perspective of community members. Informed planning and priorities for action, Build community capacity to bring about change co design programmes or services, and monitor or evaluate policies or programmes. Citizen science requires an active community that has the capacity, time and resources to contribute to the work. So it is important to consider whether this approach is appropriate and weigh the potential benefits against the challenges for your project and to design for success to get the most out of citizen science projects. Some key strategies for success include identifying a clear purpose for engagement, establishing good governance, clear and effective communication, promoting active and authentic engagement and ensuring diversity and inclusivity. To find out more about citizens science and health prevention, visit our website prevention centre dot org dot au or email sit sigh prevention dot project at Sydney dot e d u dot au