The Midwich Cuckoos

Profile photo for Emma Ledsam
Not Yet Rated


The opening of the John Wyndham story

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The Midwich Cuckoos by John Wyndham chapter one. No entry to Midwich. One of the luckiest accidents in my wife's life is that she happened to marry a man who was born on 26 September. But for that we should both of us undoubtedly have been at home in midwich on the night of the 26th of the 27th. With consequences, which I have never ceased to be thankful. She was spared because it was my birthday, however, and also to some extent because I had the day before received and signed a contract with an american publisher. We set off on the morning of the 26th for London and a mild celebration. Very pleasant to a few satisfactory calls, lobster and Shibley at wheeler's Houston asked latest extravaganza a little supper. And so back to the hotel where Janet enjoyed the bathroom with that fascination which other people's plumbing always arouses in her next morning a leisurely departure. On the way back to Midwich, a pause in train, which is our nearest shopping town for a few groceries. Then on along the main road through the village of stout, then the right hand turn onto the secondary road foot. But no half the road is blocked by a pole from which dangles a notice road closed. And in the gap beside it stands a policeman who holds up his hand. So I stop the policeman advances to the off side of the car. I recognize him as a man from train. Sorry, sir, but the road is closed. You mean I'll have to go around by the Opry Road. Afraid that's close to, sir. But there is the sound of a horn behind. If you wouldn't mind backing off a bit to the left, sir. Rather we will that. I do as he asks. And past us and past him goes an army three ton lorry with Karki youth leaning over the sides. Revolution in Midwich. I inquire maneuvers. He tells me the roads impassable both roads. Surely we live in Mid which, you know, constable. I know, sir, but there's no way they're just now, if I was you, sir, I'd go back to train till we get it clear. Can't have parking near because of getting things through, Janet opens the door on her side and picks up her shopping bag. I'll walk on and you come along when the road's clear. She tells me, the constable hesitates, then lowers his voice. As soon as you live there, mom, I'll tell you. But it's confidential like it isn't no use train, ma'am. Nobody can't get into Midwich. And that's a fact. We stare at him. But why on earth not? Says Janet. That's just what they're trying to find out, ma'am. Now. If you was to go to the Eagle and Train, I'll see your informed. As soon as the roads clear Janet and I looked at one another. Well, she said to the constable. It seems very queer. But if you're quite sure we can't get through, I am that, ma'am, It's orders to we'll let you know as soon as may be. If one wanted to make a force, it was no good making it with him. The man was only doing his duty and as amiably as possible. Very well, I agreed. Greif is my name, Richard Bradford. I'll tell the Eagles take a message for me in case I'm not there. When it comes. I backed the car further until we were on the main road and taking his word for it that the other midwich road was similarly closed, turned back the way we had come. Once we were the other side of South Village. I pulled off the road into a field gateway. This, I said, has a very odd smell about it. Shall we cut across the fields and see what's going on? That policeman's manner was sort of queer to let Janice agreed, opening her door.