Great Wolf Lodge - Narration - Storyteller - Animation - Whimsical



Great Wolf Lodge - Narration - Storyteller - Animation - Character Voiceover

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
welcome adventurers. I am the great wolf storyteller. While you may not see my physical presence, I observe all that happens in Spirit Water Forest, and I am delighted to share the stories of the great wolf pack, so that their legends may live on today. We will recreate the story of the Great Wolf packs first adventure together. It's the story of the Frog Lands and the Vorpal beasts. It began one day when the lone wolf, Wiley met Violet, Oliver, Sammy and Brinley. Together they went exploring in search of the great wolf geyser. While exploring, Brinley heard a voice in need of help. He followed the voice and got separated from the pack. The pack desperately searched for the little bear, and when they finally found him they looked around and realized they had discovered the great wolf geyser. This was the home of the Frog Lands and the Vorpal Beast. The Frog Lands were politely introducing themselves to the pack when suddenly the vorpal beast came crashing through the bog, snarling and making unintelligible sounds as the frog Lynn's hopped away in fear. Now that the great wolf pack had restored harmony between the Frog lands and the boer pols, they jumped back into their water slide and ride the slide. They did once again, they shot to the left then bank to the right until they ended up back at the great wolf geyser, they were once again greeted by the water ferry cascade thanks to the help of the pack. The Frog Lands and the Vorpal beasts were now able to live in harmony as friends