Commercial Demo #1

Profile photo for Emily Wahlund
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
no matter what your favorite is, there's a whole lot to feel good about with General Mills cereals. Unlike others, we don't believe that food is fuel. Fuel is for machines. Food is for people. Giovanni, you're looking for me. I am at the end of your search in your dream. Your drive. I am the Alfa Romeo sport utility vehicle, the first SUV created by Alfa Romeo. You push you sweat, you build all to help your body perform at its best. But when you train your mind, you can do more lucid. This party is loving my Edwards dessert. Who knew that velvety layers on a cookie crumb crust would be such a hit? Me at Houston Methodist Cancer Center, every aspect of care is available so you can focus on healing, surviving and thriving. Those ankle boots you love from Old Navy. Now they're just $19 for women. Start walking