Charlotte Web: Chapter 1



A cute story about a little girl for children

Vocal Characteristics




British (General) Vietnamese


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Charles Lord Web chat to one P for breakfast. Where's Papa going with that eggs sat fern to her mother. A stay. We're setting the table for breakfast out of the Hawk house, replied Ms Arable. Some peaks were born last night. I don't see why he needs an X continued fern, who was only eight. Well, said her mother, One of the pigs is around is very small and weak, and it will never amount to anything. So your Father Hayes, decide to do away with it. Do away with that shrink it firm. You mean kill it just because you're smaller than the other Ms Arable. But a picture of the cream on the table. Don't yell, Fern, she said. Your father is right. The beak would probably die anyway. Fern pushed a chair out off the way and rent outdoors. The crash was sweat, and the earth smelled of springtime. Fern sneakers were shopping by the time she cold up with her father. Please don't kill it, she sobbed. Is unfair. Ms. Arable Sabic walking burn, he said gently. You have to learn to control yourself. Control myself, yelled Fern, This is matter of life and death. and you talk about controlling myself before break first. Tears rain down in her cheeks. She took hold off the X and tried to pull it out of her father, said Fern State, Miss Arable. I know about raising a little of bigs. Did you do a weakling? Makes trouble now run along, but is unfair, cried Fern. The peak couldn't have being born small good at. If I had been every small at birth, would you have killed me? Ms. Arable smiled. Certainly note, he said, looking down at his start up with love. But this is different. A little girl is one thing. A little runty pig is another. I see no difference, replied Fern, still hanging onto the axe. This is the most terrible case of injustice I ever heard of. A queer look came over John arable fees. He seemed almost ready to cry himself. All right, he's safe. You go back to the house and we're praying the run. When Comey I will let you start it in a bottle like a baby when you will see what trouble a beak can be. When midst arable returned to the house half an hour later, he carried a carton under his arm for words upstairs changing her sneakers. The kitchen table was set for breakfast and the room smelled of coffee. Bacon damn plaster and good Smarck from a stove. Put it on her chair. State Miss Parable Metre Arable sent a cartoon down at the furnace blaze. Then he walked four Charleston where to the sieg, and washed his hands and try them on roll A towel Fern came slowly down the stairs. Her eyes were great from flying Is she approached it? Her chair, the carton wobbling. And there was scratching noise for a look and her father as the leaf. The lead off the carton They're inside. Looking up at her was the newborn through its ears, turning them pink. He is yours, said Miss Arable self from and ultimately death and made a good Lord. Forgive me for this. Linus Fern couldn't take her eyes off a tiny peek. Oh, she whispered, Oh, look at him. He's absolutely perfect. She closed Canon carefully. First she kissed her father. Then she kissed her mother. Then she opened the lead again. Leave the big guy out and **** that against her cheek at this moment. Her broader a very came into the room. A very was 10. He was heavily earned, an air riffle on her hand, a good and darker, and for other.