Audio book Show Reel

Profile photo for James Campen
Not Yet Rated


A reading of a single chapter of an original work along with a small amount of musical accompaniment to give an impression of my skills in this genre.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - East Anglia, Cambridge, Hertfordshire) British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
audiobook voiceover show reel by James Camping off the way Written James Chapter one circles moonlight harsh and unnaturally bright, created shadows that seem to form shapes of demons and spirits. The horse is Winnie nervously and shook their heads as if to toss away the imps of the mind, the only noise to break the silence of the night. The grove was sacred, a place where men mortals were forbidden. It was the garden of the spirits and a place of Geir. Yet here they were. The group were oddly dressed, robed in black, with all surfaces shrouded, so their race was impossible to determine. In all, 12 of thes rope figures stood in a ring with in the clearing, with 1/13 in the centre, the central figure guard, identically to see others. A single gold ring, the only hint. He was their leader. The figure stooped and hiss that the sudden noise of the horses, but then relaxed. His stance on resumed what he was doing. He bent back over and began to murmur softly. As he did so, he shifted his position, slightly, revealing the form of a pregnant woman at his feet. The woman appeared to be a corpse, her eyes vacant, as if no soul held residents within her frame, her natural stillness and the bony physique making her look like a ghoul in the moonlight. Only her chest moving up and down rapidly betrayed the life within, the murmuring continued, an hour's passed. No one moved, and none of the 12 observers made a sound. Then, suddenly, the ghoulish figure of the woman screamed our wretched sound that pierce the very fabric of the night. It continued relentlessly, as if she were cursing all creation in an infinite proclamation of hatred before it abruptly cut off silence, cold and clinical. Nothing moved, and the murmuring ceased, the onlookers raising their heads and the tension in the air snapping tort. The central figure straightened, his hood falling away as he looked up, revealing his face. It was no one of beauty, heavily scarred and tort by the ravages of time and lost all emotion to leave a blank mask. His eyes vacant and white had lost their sight many years before. But he still held the gaze of his onlookers, portraying a mind full both of wisdom and the weight of too many memories. his is betrayed, the only detail of his heritage. They were both pointed and winglike, a trait of a race thought long since past in his arms were a pair of Children. Unlike most newborns, the pad not made a sound until this moment when they started to go happily. It has Big God, the words spoken in a whisper. We're bounded around the clearing like a crash of a gong. They held a wait beyond just the vibrations of the air, and in response to them, the entire clearing flashed bright green. When the light faded, no trace of the group remained on. Where the woman's body had Bean grew only a small birch tree. It was near morning in the kingdoms of older veil and throw throw, and a storm had broken that seemed to encompass the entire globe. From the forests of Ashbrook to the tundra of master is if it was trying to clean itself of some mighty stain. But failing, not a soul walked the streets of the realms the hour of day in the wretched weather. Having seen to this, it was until he appeared his pace was slow and measured, as if the storm was insignificant to him as he made his way with confidence. His destination is known to him as a dear friend. Had anyone looked out of their windows from either city, they would have seen a figure garbed in black with a single golden ring stop in the town square and stupid, then vanished like mist, leaving behind a floating child bathed in a pale golden light. A single child for both would on dice with the intention that they never meet or know of each other's existence if the figure had its way off. Where is an original novel by James Camp under the pseudonym Faces A Kingdom of Heaven. Music off this piece is also an original work under the same name. Thank you for listening.