Faris Al-Raqqad Demo English only

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Clips from several of my english language VO's showcasing a wide range of voices and styles

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
feel the heat in your seat while watching your favourite sports at Buffalo. Wings and Rings experience the sights and sounds of every game on more than 40 HD screens. Maybe on getting hitched. Maybe Old Jew for a second honeymoon. Maybe this couple's getaway to the an entire a resort in Thailand will be a LL yours, courtesy of Zion Tours. And it's a hard Airways. Royal Automobile Museum is delighted to announce the organisation of a Fun one of a kind workshop on the design of means of transportation through the fresh art of paper folding origami. Some say that food and art have always been intertwined. Well, now you get to enjoy an enticing combination of flavour and art together at Spargo Restaurant. Compete in the Bliss Windsor wanted. Workshop Reign supreme. It's taboo with a festive twist, and we're bringing it to the airwaves, guesses many secret words as you can from the hints we give you every weekday between five and six PM compete against other listeners and win big with Rhys Play live on Air Tex 90509 or one SAP zero triple 7 45 1 for three with the word wonder, and your full name is game time on Bliss, 104.3 and the winner is you and you on you. Everyone's a winner At the homes are our store clearance sale and Arabian Centre Mall from the second till the fourth of May. Enjoy sales up to 90% off on reduced prices on living to dining. Two bedroom toe home decor Busy. The homes are US stock clearance counter at noon court on night court in Arabian Centre Mall for three days only from the second until the fourth of May to feel like a winner.