2018 Commercial reel

Profile photo for Faye Bamford
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - Liverpool, Manchester, Lancashire, Cheshire) British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
with peachy, you could borrow £50.100 pounds or up to £500 with no hidden fees. The most extreme Tattoo parlour in the world Back open. The brand new series of just two of us starts Monday, the 21st of May on MTV. So Ritual factory. There's the 180 metres slow and we're going to write the world's first snows fair. I can't wait. I always wanted to do that. Robinson's weeping for a world with no artificial colours flavours, you know our exports doesn't contain any. Raise them on Robinson's one kilo packs of carrots on 200 grand packs of sliced spring greens are just 59 peach at the co op. So now there's no need to grow your own. Charlie and Lola have all the fun and see what they're up to. CVS Mondays, with High street and designer brands up to 60% off, you'll find what you're looking for this winter. KMAX big labels, more prices. If you drive it right now, we're listening to this, like to ask a favour. The roads are busier than ever with cyclists, and my husband, Rob, is one of them. If you could look out for him, me and my mom would really appreciate it. Eating healthy can be confusing. It's hard to know what to buy, especially when we all need a different daily amount of calories. Now. Summer Party 64 Scorching Summer Smashes Style magazine. The woman's fashion special Only in the Sunday Times say sweet tens.