Commercial demo

Profile photo for Felicia McDaneld
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


A sample of commercial readings

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Why just have a drink when you can have a mix more flavor, more fun. Mike's hard lemonade here at Subaru. We don't live for the accolades, but we accept them because when you pile up this many awards, you've got to be doing something right. It's easy to love a Subaru for strong women with sensitive skin. There's new venus extra smooth for a smoother closer, shave your skin your way venus, your memory foam mattress doesn't remember you because that's crazy. Go with the mattress that's proven to be cooler and more comfortable. Go to purple dot com today. The daughter said, I couldn't redo my kitchen stinks that they were my Children, but that just makes this moment even more satisfying. Take that kid's clothes with Hello Fresh. Anyone can make fresh delicious meals in minutes. Even me go to Hello Fresh dot com and get your first meal box for free.