Conversational Radio ad For Pal Pensions - English (West African)

Radio Ad


Conversational Radio ad For Pal Pensions - English (West African)

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


African (General) South African (General) West African (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It's a Monday morning. You have your eyes wide open while still in bed. You look to your wardrobe, noticing the designer ties, shoes and well tailored suits. You can't help but flash back to your corporate life. Good morning, sir. Good morning, sir. You were the organ at the top Skyscraper office holder, the voice of all conference rooms. Final decision maker. But today you are retired and in your bed with beautiful memories and all the comforts of life as you had it then all because you chose how pensions as your life partner. Eventually everybody retires. What's your plan? Visit power. Pensions dot com forward slash start for one, pal. Pensions. Your pal for life.