English Portfolio 2022

Profile photo for Fernanda Peviani
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


English Portfolio 2022

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
melissa is transformation and so are. Our paradise is The beginning of the journey is gone. We have believed and followed through 2021 with an open heart and doing better together. Say Hello to 2022. Everything that is real. We imagined first and for 2022 there is a dimension that holds all our dreams. So let's free our minds and experience the incredible and colorful world that we want. A few days ago I had laser vision correction after the surgery. I spent some time in a dark room to get rest. It was time to go home. My doctor stopped me and said when you come home, go to bed when you wake up you see everything better. Have you ever noticed what happens when you put on a movie? It's amazing. You're just sticking in, sit back hit play and the rest of the world just disappears. Gone suddenly. It's just you and your family. You remember them, your family, some of them look like you at movie gallery. We have thousands of great movies, including your favorite holiday movies plus the latest releases in every one of them is guaranteed to have the same magical powers. Movie gallery play on how to greet someone in Portuguese in Portuguese. There are formal and informal ways of greeting people greetings also change according to gender, which can be masculine or feminine. Let's start with an informal greeting when you arrive