E-learning 1 - PTBrVO - Fernando Rodrigues



Dear Sirs,

I´m Fernando Rodrigues, Professional Brazilian Voice Talent based in Sao Paulo - Brazil with 19 years experience.

My wide vocal range is suitable for anything from TV/Radio Commercials, IVR and On Hold messages to corporate narratives, documentaries, business, training & web presentations, eLearning, public announcements and audio books.

Digital Recording Studio with fast internet delivery of mp3, wave, aiff or other standard audio format with email or super fast ftp download.

Clients included: ADM, Allergan, Amazon, Amway, Anixter, Apple, AutoCad, Banana Boat, Bayer, Baxter, Bosh, BMW, Chevron, Cisco, D&B, DHL, Dell, Dräger, Ericsson, Fedex, Ferrari, Festo, FIFA, Ford, Gerdau, Giorgio Armani, Goodyear, Google, GM (Chevrolet), Harley Davidson, Hershey, HP, IBM, Intel, Janssen, Johnson (SC), Kingston, Kodak, Kraft Foods, Lipton, Mastercard, Mercedes Benz, MonaVie, MTM, Nickelodeon, Nike, Nikon, Nokia, Otis Elevators, PayPal, Pepsico Group, Pfizer, Pioneer, Porshe, Procter&Gamble, Rolls Royce, Royal Canin, Samsung, Takata, Texaco, Toyota, Sharp, Symantec, Sony, Volvo, Walmart, (Website hidden), Yamaha and many more.

Let me know all your questions.

Fernando Rodrigues
\"Let me be your voice.\"

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Vocal Characteristics




Portuguese (Brazilian) Portuguese (European)