Radio/TV Promo Demo 2021

Profile photo for Fisher Fisher
Not Yet Rated
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NewsTalk / AC / Alt Rock / Country / Top 40

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
So what do you think ready to do this? six ft separation. It's hard to know if you should stay home or get your move on. We aren't at the cliff yet, but we can see it. What you need is solid information and we've got one oh 4.5 W. O. K. V. Jacksonville's news and talk. Working from home does have its advantages. No commute. No boss. And you get to work in your jammies every day helping keep things in focus. We are one oh 75 The fish enjoying the quarantine. But of course you are your home hanging with the family. Oh and tucker. We're riding this out with you. 1 to 91035 kiss FM wants to send you to college san Lucas to see Ed Sheeran Colorado's alternative 97 9. The edge. We operate at a higher level just saying concerns. This is texas country. Hey everybody, this is Kenny. Trust me and this is my new song here and now. Now, Why would you think Jack FM is following? You were not following you? Where you going? Where you going? This is 93.1 jacket. Does the mountain play music when you're not listening? Because the bears in the woods? I'll leave you to your thoughts 95 5. The mountain we play everything.