Audiobook Reel

Profile photo for Francesca Marago
Not Yet Rated


Blue Sky Mountain by Alex Millway

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Big Sky Mountain By Alex Milwee. After an hour of travelling across miles of wilderness, the tiny plane carrying Rosa Wild dipped down and landed effortlessly on dual lake. It chugged slowly across the water. It's twin floats, sending ripples across the glassy surface. Here we are then, said Tom, the pilot. Quite something, Huh? Told you. This place was unlike anywhere on earth. Rosa sat up in the back seat and gazed in wonder and no small amount of panic at the boulder strewn slopes and spy light trees that rose up around her. The emptiness of Big Sky Mountain and the never ending horizon was terrifying to someone who had only ever known the city. It's so big, said Rosa. Tom's moustache twitched as he cut power to the engines and sailed the plane towards the gravelly beach. It definitely is that, said Tom. And where are all the houses and shops? Asked Rosa. Tom laughed about 200 miles away. He said he pointed through the window. There's your grandma now. She always hears me. Coming into land, Rosa pulled her heavy cloth bag tight to her chest. She had never met grandma and before, and seeing the world haired old lady striding out of the trees towards them, Rosa feared the worst. She didn't look like the sort who appreciated visitors. Will you come back? Asked Rosa. Hopefully, next deliveries in a few months, said Tom. That Long? Said Rosa. Uh huh, he replied, Getting out of the pilot's seat, he pushed open the door and hung his legs out. As the plane gradually stopped moving, a burst of fresh air entered the cockpit. AnAnd looks after herself, but she always likes her. Winter supplies brought in early before the lake freezes over. It freezes over, said Rosa. Oh, sure, said Tom, dropping out onto one of the long floats that took the place of landing wheels. Come on. Rosa clambered over boxes filled with tins of fruit and powdered milk and all the sorts of dried fruit that might last a year or two in a cupboard. She stepped down, and Tom helped her cross the float onto dry land. Grandma Nan stood watching with a puzzled air. Whose dish then? She asked. She wiped her thick glasses, hoping cleaner lenses might change her view. I didn't ask you to bring me a girl, Tom it's Rosa, said Rosa, your granddaughter. Nan smeared down her bristly shock of hair. It promptly let back into place and walked closer. Grand do Terry, said Nan Rosa. I sent you a letter about coming to stay, said Rosa. She did, said Tom. I delivered it myself. Nan scrunched up her nose in thought. I don't remember reading a letter, she said, but I do have a granddaughter.