Character Demo

Profile photo for Kenneth Toles
Not Yet Rated


Animation character demo, including my own voice in the beginning.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I found my daddy would pant a clause in his chest. You ain't the son of a king. You're a son of a murderer. I can hardly be blamed for the lack of progress. Three of my assistance in a row have been eaten by the experiment. I'm not in charge of laboratory safety. Open the door. Bacon bits. The big bad wolf's knocking. The sound is make jelly for only ahead if she forgets me. Ah, Ah! Uh uh. I can't see or remember more than that. Wide receiver Eric Whistler, better known as Whistler. The wisp earned his nickname for being impossible to tackle. He's like a ghost running on the field. I've been scouting out the area around the Commonwealth all night, and in that time I've realized something. We lived in a ****** up world. Monsters killing people, robots killing people, people killing people.