Video game Reel

Profile photo for Fred Jenkins
Not Yet Rated


Posted to independent projects. Adventure RPG not released and Independent Warhammer 40K project.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - South East - Oxford, Sussex) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome to the splintered tone. Now, Not a good name, but we like it here. Today we have a lovely stew of toadstool and splinted toenails. Thus the name most fair is good for ogres and giants. So most of the meat is roll and partially rancid. We could cook it, but we doubt way have a lovely mead, which tastes like well, you know, and we have bare, flat rented terrible beer. Get used to it way Don't aspire to much around here. So what's your order? Was telling me, friend that I had some trouble outside and I found this place that made me feel much better about being out in the wilderness. And you've really helped me out quite a bit. Please pass the salt. I appreciate that. Thank you very much. Anyway, I came through the valley and I had such trouble walls and monsters and ogres and renders this delightful else. But then he stole my underwear. It was awful. I just could not take it. I'm not a fighter. I'm a lover. A real lover. Well, you might think that well, I'm going off to the mountains to train to become a better fighter. It's okay that way. Isn't it to be a fighter? Oh, thank you so much for this meal. It's wonderful. And putting me up for the night. I can't even understand how nice that is. So nice. Let it form. Be proud. Like a cord around its limbs. Boric was fickle, but it is in our hands to shape our future way. Stand clairvoyant apart A branch in the threads of direction It is imprisoned as thou was bound to the anvil spirits will chafe, confined as tearfully.