Make Every Day A WINSday Book

Profile photo for Fred Frierson
Not Yet Rated


This is an audiobook recording

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (South West - Texas) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
introduction I could never have imagined as an innocent four year old child watching my mama's casket being closed, I could never have imagined as I fought to breathe while they held me under water when they were trying to drown me, I could never have imagined as a struggle to overcome shyness and the fear of performing on stage I could never have imagined. As I hid in the attic while the police beat on my front door, I could never have imagined has I prayed and prayed that I wouldn't wind up in prison, I could never have imagined, as the tears of my life's failure streamed down my face I could never have imagined. See, I couldn't imagine living a successful life. I couldn't imagine turning all the craziness of my life into a positive legacy. I couldn't imagine turning my losing ways into positivity and winning, and to be flat out honest with y'all. I could never have imagined even writing this book. See, I firmly believe that everyone has a story to tell. Uplifting stories of overcoming life's obstacles are necessary, and she'll be shared with the masses. These types of stories provide inspiration and help to give others the courage to conquer their fears. And for these reasons, I'm sharing my story with you because by the grace of God and my guardian angel, whom you learn more about later, I overcame. If you're reading this book, you're probably at a crossroads in your life. You may feel that success is unachievable, or you may feel like your below average. Some may even feel like you're downright losers with no purpose in your life. That was feelings couldn't be further from the truth. You see, I've experienced some of those same feelings, went through some of those same emotions and made a whole bunch of boneheaded, stupid, dumb decisions in my life. But I never lost sight of my goals. I prayed and I believed for better days, and rather than giving up, I planned. And I strategize an exit from the enormous hole that I dug for myself, and in due time, like a groundhog, I was able to poke my head up out of that hole and emerged victorious and a much better person. As you read about my trials and my failures, it will become apparent that most of them were self inflicted with many things I could have done differently that would have gave me a much better outcome. However, at the time, I lack the maturity and the discipline to make the best decisions. But in the end, I figured out the messages that were in my messes, and I made the necessary adjustments to clean them up. And now my life is purposeful with clear direction, and I continue to strive to make each and every day of my life a Wednesday help. My story empowers you to look beyond any missteps that you have made in your life, notice you and overcome ER with the power and capacity to become successful. Failure is never an option. We either win or we learn. So it is of utmost importance that you never give up on your hopes. You never give up on your dreams. You never give up on yourself. The universe will grant you as many favors as you need. But it takes its cues from you. And once you begin taking positive action, things will inexplicably happen in your favor. So therefore, I need you to sit back, relax, fasten your seatbelts and join me on this roller coaster ride of my life. At times, this right will be bumpy, but it's filled with a variety of methods for defeating and overcoming adversity. Using our GPS, we will arrive at the destination of next level, So welcome to my life, my story, and enjoy the ride.