Military audiobook series



PHeonic Rising- Thriller

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Alexandria, Virginia 2035. A torrential downpour batters the city as an ambulance careens down a rain slicked street under a hail of gunfire, lightning flashes illuminate the dark sky followed by the growling of thunder. Oncoming traffic passes in a blur as Sam Reynolds maneuvers the ambulance like a man possessed driving as if the devil were on his tail. His E M T training didn't include evasive maneuvers under intense gunfire. Bonnie's learning now, shots fired, shots fired. This is E M 223 northbound on I 4 95 request immediate assistance. Sam screams to his radio. 10 4 E M 223, dispatching all available units to your location. Returns the dispatcher. Hold on. Sam help is on the way, tell them to move their ***. I don't know how much longer the three of us can last out here in the midst of the chaos. Sam steals a glance at the medical bay with his fellow E M T. Janice is frantically cutting open the jumpsuit of a semiconscious man on the gurney. Air force major Tony Simmons is powerfully built with a rocket. Good luck like he stepped right out of a recruiting poster. Smart as he is tough. Einstein and Chuck Norris stuffed into one hand grenade. How's that guy doing, Janice? Sam asked G S W to the right shoulder through and through. Janise farmer replies her hands steady. Despite the adrenaline pumping through her veins, the wound is clean and small most likely from a high speed rifle round, but she gets a better luck. Sam takes a hard left sending equipment and supplies flying Tony's losing blood. Fast. Proceed. Put some pressure on the wound while I wrap his shoulder. Rasheed Smith is no stranger to gunfire. Tall as he is wide. He's never missed a meal raised on the streets of Baltimore. There wasn't a day that went by that didn't involve violence but trained soldiers on a mission to kill are a different story. He reached for thick gauze and applied a little too much pressure bringing Tony Foley awake. Uh Tony groans tam and rashid as she backhands his shoulder. Not so hard gunfire erupts from behind whittling the left side of the ambulance with holes. Everyone docks. Sam takes a hard ride avoiding a bus as he runs through a red line. Damn it. Who the **** is shooting at us? Or she demands ask him, Sam jesters towards Tony. How about a G I Joe? Who the **** are they? As he gets in Tony's face, the fear in his voice is palatable. Quitting his teeth through the pain. I don't know Al Qaeda Russian spare cos you wanna pull over and ask Tony scrambles over a fence landing heavily on the rain soaked ground. A dog barks in the distance. He drags himself across the yard of a two story house. The only one with power in the neighborhood shrouded in darkness. Suddenly the area is flooded with line. A deafening boom of shotgun fills the air while that was loud. Exclaimed the man with a shotgun wiggling his finger in his ear. Who goes there? Don't make me shoot you. I will. But only if I have to, don't make me have to. We'll both be sorry. But more you than me. Week from the loss. Tony manages to say Spencer me recognizing his old friend. Spencer lowers the shotgun and rushes to Tony's side. My God, Tony. You notice this Tony's gunshot wound. You've been shot. Let's get you inside. Spencer drags Tony into the house and down a narrow passageway leading to the basement. The room is a model of organization filled with meticulously arranged shelves of electronics, equipment and inventions. As Spencer lays Tony down on the nearby table. Tony murmurs in a delirious state. They're gone. They're gone. Who's gone. Spencer as my family, they're gone. They took my family. Spencer examines the gunshot wound under Tony's jumpsuit and badges. Oh, this is bad. I have to stitch you up. Hold on, stay with me. Tony, stay with me. Rummaging through a closet. Spencer retrieves medical supplies and starts an I V the atmosphere buzzes with energy. As members of the devastator five team revel in the successful completion of their research party hats, adorn their heads and pulsating music reverberates through the hangar. Adrian spots Tony standing by the hangar doors, his gaze fixed on the stars studded sky making a wish. Adrian inquires her voice. Curious and teasing. Sort of. Tony replies his mind seemingly elsewhere. The moon casts a gentle glow on Adrian's raven hair as she approaches him. What are you doing down here? All alone, the party is over there. She gestures towards the rank as celebration. Her eyes sparkling with amusement. Yeah, I know. I have a lot on my mind. Tony admits his voice taints with a hint of melancholy. Adrianne moves unclos taking his hand to her breast and gently brushing over her chest. Well, maybe there's something I can do to take your mind off things. Eddie Dawn Tony warns his voice strained. Dawn Win. She challenges her voice sault and provocative, pressing herself against him. She sways her hits to the rhythm of the music. Her moves sensual and enticing Adrian. This can't happen again. I'm sorry. It just can't. Tony insists his voice firm, yet gentle, unfazed. Adrian wraps her arms around his waist, resting her head on his chest. She listens intently to his pounding heartbeat. Are you sure? Your heart says? Yes, Tony carefully pushes her back. His eyes filled with a mixture of longing and regret. Then you're not listening closely enough. I have this strong connection to you that I don't understand. It's if I know you from a past life, but what we shared is over, it can't happen again. I love my wife. I realize that now more than ever. Come on, baby. Let me feel you again. Adrian pleads desperation, lacing her voice. I'm serious. Tony asserts his expression. Resolute. Adrian pulls away, struggling to hold back her tears. So what was it then? A fling an interlude of romance. A mistake. Tony confesses the words slicing through the tense silence like a razor sharp blade. I loved you. I love you. Adrian admits her voice cracking with emotion. I know. I hoped you'd understand. Tony says his tone's somber and apologetic. Understand one that the most amazing man I've ever known is walking out of my life forever. I'm postdoctoral at M M I T. I understand a lot of things Tony, but this is not one of them. Her voice trembles as she takes his hand and places it on her heart. Tony, we're good together. You touched my heart and my soul in ways I didn't think were possible. We were one.