Excerpt from Crime Novel



This is an excerpt from a fictional crime novel.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
after having parked their cars in the basement parking facility. Agents Christopher Mallory and Peyton Tower made their way to the elevator. Agent Tyler entered first and held the door for his fellow comrade settling alongside agent towel. Er Agent Mallory grasps the railing to steady himself. Should the elevator react as some have done in the past He wasn't up to being jostled back and forth. Not today. So what's this all about? Quizzed Agent Mallory as the elevator door? Slowly and methodically close with a slight thump. How am I supposed to know all I got from our lead supervisor. Agent Siegel was a stupid little card with his address and the time that I should come to meet someone. I've never been to this building in my life so I don't know what this is all about. Not yet. Anyway, he responded with a blunt and agitated tone. Man. You need to find some young thing and relax. Way too tense, commented Mallory as he moves slightly away from Tower side. What you think I've been trying to do? But the agency always has other plans for my time off for but a towel. Er feeling around in his pocket. Agent Mallory, the older of the two was reluctant to pull the card out or to mention that he too had received the same instructions from their lead supervisor officer at their office downtown on State Street. I'm guessing it's one of those crisis things you know like they always tell us to be ready for at a moment's notice with guns drawn and bullets blazing. He interjected neither of the two men wanted to admit that regardless of what's bantered about in the downtown office, not everyone knows everything about everything. The fact that they were in an elevator on their way to the 10th floor in a building neither of them had ever visited or even know existed, was proof enough. Even their supervisor didn't know what it was about. That's how hush hush the invitation was. Or so they had been told. So what's your take on this visit?