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Hugh, 1968. A Turning point of the American War in Vietnam by Mark Boden The Wong River Squad In the afternoon, a long lay Lloyd's street uniformed Children spill from school yards like flocks of freed birds swinging, backpacks running or on bicycles. The boy's in white shirts and shorts, the girls with their long black hair and the white flaps of their our die flying the street is huge center. It runs along the south bank of the Long River and has planted at intervals with plane trees that lean out over the busy flow of scooters and cars. On the streets north side along the riverbank is a wide green promenade, and on the south side is a row of imposing stone buildings behind high walls painted in pastels of green, yellow, red, brown and pink. Across the water rise the modelled, forbidding stone walls of the citadel, a monumental fortress from another era. The river's name long evokes the pleasing sent of incense or the pink and white petals that float downstream in autumn from orchards to the north. The Americans called it the perfume river. Little fires everywhere. A novel by Celeste Ng Moody was the first of the Richardsons to venture to the Little House on Winslow. He had heard his mother describing their new tenants to his father. She's some kind of artist, Mrs Richardson and said. And when Mr Richardson asked what kind, she answered jokingly, a struggling one. It's all right, she reassured her husband. She gave me a deposit right up front. That doesn't mean she'll pay the rent, Mr Richardson said. But they both knew it wasn't the rent that was important. Only $300 a month for the upstairs, and they certainly didn't need it to get by. Mr. Richardson was a defense attorney, and Mrs Richardson worked for the local paper, the Sun Press. The Winslow House was there's free and clear. Mrs. Richardson's parents had bought it as an investment property when she was a teenager. It's rent and help put her through. Dennis in then had become a monthly booster, as her mother had put it while she started off as a cub reporter. The five rules for successful stock investing, Morningstar's Guide to Building Wealth and Winning in the Market. Bye, Pat Dorsey, Hold for the long haul. Never forget that buying a stock is a major purchase and should be treated like one you wouldn't buy and sell your car, your refrigerator or your DVD player 50 times a year. Investing should be a long term commitment because short term trading means you're playing a loser's game. The costs really began to add up both the taxes and the brokerage costs and create an almost insurmountable hurdle to good performance. If you trade frequently, you'll rack up commissions and other expenses that, over time could have compounded every $1 you spend on. Commissions today could have been turned into $5.60 if you had invested that dollar and 9% for 20 years. Spend $500 today, and you could be giving up more than $2800.20 years hence. But that's just the beginning of the story, because frequent trading also dramatically increases the taxes you pay and whatever amount you pay in taxes each year. His money that can't compound for you next year. Toy Story for a new purpose From five minute Disney Pixar stories, Lightning flashed across the sky as Andy ran into his room with an armful of toys, but he had accidentally left R C outside. When Andy went downstairs, Woody headed to Andy Sister's room to search for the lost toy. Once there, Bo and Woody came up with a plan. Slinky dog stretched hiss springing body out the window as Woody scrambled down his back to rescue our C. Moments later, though, Andy's mom came to get bow in her sheep. Andy Sister Molly was giving them away. Would he snuck over to Bo as she stood in the cardboard box. He wanted to help her escape and take her back to Andy's room. But Bo was ready to go. Years passed, and eventually a much older Andy gave his toys to a little girl named Bonnie. She loved them as much as Andy had. But things were different for Woody. He wasn't the favorite toy anymore. Practicing mindfulness 75 essential meditations to reduce stress, improve mental health and find peace in the every day. By Matthew Sokoloff. Exercise number two points of contact. You can do this practice in any position, but I recommend trying it while sitting. Close the eyes and bring your awareness to the posture of the body. Make any minor adjustments to help the body be a tease. Begin by noticing the places where the body is touching something else. Can you feel the contact between your feet and the floor? Pay attention to the physical feeling of the feet. There is nothing special to do. Just observe how the feet feel in this moment. Bring your attention to the hands. However, they may be resting. Feel the places where the hands air, touching each other, sitting in the lab or resting on the knees. Focus on whatever part of the hand is in contact with something else.