Apex Man (AUS English) *Voices.com job



I had a great time recording this one.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)




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Apex Man In Search of mastery, written by Simon Templar, narrated by Geraldo Cortez. Book one, a man who has attained mastery of an art displays it in his every action. Samurai maxim seek and ye shall find ask and it shall be given knock and it shall be opened unto you. Matthew chapter seven verse seven, English standard version Bible. We will bend but we will not bow. Simon Templar. Author's note. This book is based on my observations in life as a human being, husband, father, soldier, veteran martial artist, business owner, philosopher hunter, professional fisherman and shark hunter and student of life. During my life, I have lived and worked in different countries. I've traveled the world and I have been homeless for a period of time. I've been knocked down by life's un mitigating, ruthlessness. And every time I have stood back up and kept moving onwards and upwards, I never sought to blame anyone but myself for where I stood or the mistakes I made at any given time. Life is tough and does not care all that matters is what you do to forge your life in this battle. We are all fighting through life by constantly making mistakes and learning, by striving to be the best we can be to live successfully. Whilst everyone's success varies. And no-one is perfect or sin free. What counts is the effort that you put in? Yes, life gets easier as you gain more competence through the passage of time. But no-one is going to hand it to you on a platter and if they do it isn't worth it. With this book, you can take the lessons, tools and principles that I have learned to achieve your best so that everyone nearest and dearest in your life can prosper. This book is not all the answers and I am by no means perfect or without fault. But if I can help one man to be his best through my experiences, then this has been worth writing forward. Know this my brother society does not exist without you. You change and it must change as you are the society Simon Templar in search of mastery. This is a book for men. This is for the man who wishes for something more, the man who looks around at the society in which he lives and intuitively knows the world is a mess. He sees a world driven by consumerism, ideologues and greed at every level, whether personal, spiritual governmental or corporate like a great beast that lies beneath the surface of our lives, gorging itself continuously on our base desires. For more. It is corrupting us and destroying us morally, culturally and spiritually. If you are the man who can see this and want to be different, then this book is for you. This book is about how you can make changes to your life. And by extension, your circle of influence, it does not matter if you have never undertaken any self inquiry. What matters is that you start on your journey now and do not waste any more of your precious time. On this journey of discovery, we will search for mastery of your world within you. We descend into the inner world of the self so that you can ascend into the outer physical world and reach your apex. The answer lies within you and not outside of you is the message here. This book is not for the timid of mind. This is not for the man who wishes to remain little. It is for the man who wants to awaken and become larger than he ever thought possible. In the first instance, it is about giving you the ideas and the tools to redefine yourself. And secondly, to understand the women in your life. So you can find a happy medium that is self fulfilling and genuine. This will be based on a positive masculine self narrative of who you wish to be not a negative one of how others think you should be. Ultimately, this is about a vision of personal development as you cannot develop yourself without examining the negative. As well as the positive by bringing out the best of you, you will therefore bring out the best from the women and family in your life too.