
Radio Ad

Vocal Characteristics


English (North American)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Gilbert Godfried, Please don't spend. She's killing. May get on with. Have a plane of eggs. Maybe a tumbler of scotch. A nice cold sec chair. I can't imagine what would be better. What? Great scythe. Close here. Nice swing, Alice. I don't think that dog come over here. You want me? You want me here? Look, I'm due time. Fluffy. He could pick me. You can feed me dog food or a boat or a bone. I like boats. Okay, we have. Watch me roll over. I'm rolling over here. What? Staying on two feet. Oh, my head. Wait a second. Let me try that again. I did it again. Quite a second. Look outside the cage. I'm very good at that. I'm really good. I could stand on two feet outside the gate. Oh, good choice. You made an excellent choice.